Training & Behavior

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Playing outside with a Weimaraner

How to Calm a Hyperactive Dog Without Medication

Are you tired of dealing with a hyperactive dog that never seems to calm down? It can be exhausting, right? But did you know that your furry friend doesn’t have to be in a constant state of excitement? While exercise is crucial, both mentally and physically, calmness is a state of mind.

Health and Wellness

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German Shepherd in the kitchen

10 Common German Shepherd Health Issues: How to Spot Them

German Shepherds are amazing dogs. They are loyal, smart, brave, and beautiful. They can be your best friend, your protector, and your partner in crime. But they also need your care and attention, particularly when it comes to their health.

Feeding Watermelon to Your Corgi: Dos and Don’ts

Lifestyle, Fun & Travel

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Shiba Inu with Family

Shiba Inus: How a Japanese Dog Became a Global Phenomenon

Shiba Inus, Japan’s smallest native dog breed, have a rich history and were initially bred for hunting. They possess a distinct fox-like appearance and a spirited personality, contributing to their status as a national treasure. Rising from relative obscurity, they’ve swept the internet as viral memes, notably ‘Doge.’ Valued for their intelligence, loyalty, and good luck, Shibas require dedicated care but offer rewarding companionship. As they charm globally, Shibas also symbolize and promote Japanese heritage.

The Ultimate Guide to Naming Your Shiba Inu

Puppy Corner

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Woman holding Golden Retriever Puppy

How to Safely Introduce Rice to Your Puppy’s Diet

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Woman holding Golden Retriever Puppy